Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pool Salt Information

Salt water chlorine generators (a.k.a. SWG) requires the addition of salt to the swimming pool water to facilitate the generation of chlorine gas which is instantly dissolves back into the water (how it works is for another time or link). By now hopefully most people have learned that not all salt products are appropriate for swimming pool use. Contaminants in salt can create other problems for the pool owner, so it is best to use one of the products that are intended (or acceptable) for use in swimming pools.

While I am sure there other products acceptable for use in swimming pools, I have always had very good luck when using Morton salt products. I used Morton Pool Salt to get my original salt level up (about $10 for 40# in my area), to maintain my pool salt level I have switched to the same Morton System Saver II Pellets (less than $4 for 40#) that I have been using in my water softener for about two years. At first I was using a “chlorine floater” which worked fine but took forever to get 40# into the pool. Now I have a 5-gallon bucket that I drilled a bunch of holes in, which I can put in the whole 40# of salt (with a concrete block over the top to keep it from floating). All the salt is dissolved in less than an hour and the bucket keeps it from staining my plaster.

I heard back from Morton today when I questioned them about the difference between the two products and/or their safe use in swimming pools. Here is their answer:

Morton Pool Salt is a plain salt product. Morton System Saver II pellets contain resin cleansing additives. Water softened by pellets is drinkable; however, if you have any type of specific health concerns, please see your doctor. Either product can be used in your pool.

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