Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Build Your Own Pool

How I Build My Own Swimming Pool was created by a guy in Arizona that decided to save money by building his own pool. There appears to be some good information here. While I do not know that I would have come to all of the same conclusions that he did, he has done a good job of documenting his thought process.

Do not think this is a “how to” site for doing all of the work. It is intended for the owner/builder. There is a good section about “why to” or “why not” be an owner/builder, in general he does a good job of covering the basics; however, I disagree with his conclusion about getting subcontractors in the Sunbelt. It is my opinion that it is possible to get subcontractors willing to work for owner/builders when the construction market is slower (possibly now); however, during the construction craze of the last few years very few good subcontractors are willing to work for owner/builders so you will most likely be picking from the subcontractors that are on the B or C lists.

There is a “paid” section to this site that I have not visited but it appears to have more detailed information for those that are serious about being your own contractor. Let me know your thoughts if you have visited this area of the website.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have visited all areas on the website and it's an excellent help if you are building a swimming pool yourself. I had no problem getting the best subcontractor to build our pool. Yes, I build it off season, but right now, it's off season all year around in Arizona. The subcontractor area is not really updated and some of the subcontractor he hired is no longer in business. I had different experience when I build my pool so I'm planning to do a website on my own. Please, have a look if you need ideas.

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