Friday, December 29, 2006

Cyanuric Acid

Recently there has been much discussion on the swimming pool bulletin boards (see links) about problems associated with elevated levels of CYA (Cyanuric Acid, a.k.a. Stabilizer or Conditioner) from the constant use of stabilized dry chlorine (e.g., dichlor and trichlor). Okay, the potential problem has been discussed for many years (decades) but it seems to be a hot topic again.

I am working on a posting about this problem which should be available in early 2007.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Pool Nerd

The “poolnerd” is a Southern California pool contractor/subcontractor willing to give his advice freely. He does not appear to have any “ax to grind” or ulterior motive, just a good place to find his opinion about swimming pool and spa topics. You will find insight into the pool construction business and process through many of the posts. He covers many construction topics thoroughly from what I can tell through a quick reading of some of the posts.

Previously, my post stated that there does not seem to be any comments about the problems associated with elevated levels of CYA (Cyanuric Acid, a.k.a. Stabilizer or Conditioner) from the constant use of stabilized dry chlorine (e.g., dichlor and trichlor). While true, this was not the best statement I could have made about this website. I had been discussing the problem with others and it was just the first thought I had as I was reading through some of the topics. There is a section about pool chemistry that is informative but this topic is not the primary intention of Poolnerd’s website (my apologies for misleading anyone).

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Pump and Motor Efficient Sizing

This seems to be one of those topics that have a many different opinions. Before starting construction on my pool I spent time researching information on websites and still did not come up with any specific conclusions. One thing that most pool owners agree about is that pool circulation pumps use a lot of electricity (this seems to be one of the biggest complaints among new pool owners – I’ve lost the link to this forum topic).

I have to admit that I did not fully believe the information available, so I ended up with a 1.5 horsepower (HP) pump/motor for my primary circulation system (down from 2 HP that the contractor originally recommended). One of my reasons for keeping with a larger pump motor is that my solar heating system returns directly to the spa (allowing the spa bypass to be closed), which is separate from the pool return line where salt water chlorine generator is located (needing its own flow to operate properly). This feature keeps my spa warmer (5 to 15 degrees F) than the pool water that is pumped into the solar panels (more later).

This University of Florida, Pinellas County Extension, “Timely Topics” article titled “Energy Savings For Your Pool” does a good job of explaining the basics of hydraulics associated with the swimming pool circulation system. While the comparison table for pipe size and pump motor HP makes sense for single line systems, many newer pool circulation systems have multiple suction and return pipes, which increases the actual flow [e.g., my 1.5 HP system frequently pumps about 110 gallons per minute (gpm) because it draws from two or three 2-inch skimmer/vacuum lines and after the filter returns through 2.5-inch solar heating and 2-inch circulating lines].

Here is the first place I saw information about reducing the size of swimming pool pump motors. This guy is very rough around the edges but knows what he is talking about. “Sizing The Pool Pump” covers many of the basics particularly when looking at existing systems.

The chart in the “Swimming Pool Pump Energy Savings” article shows the approximate monthly electrical usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh) for various pump motor sizes and daily run times. Utilizing this information along with the other sites discussing circulation flow, it is possible to achieve an energy efficient circulating system. While this article touts the advantages of a two speed pump, I was not convinced about its benefit in my case because the low speeds are not capable of generating the pressure (water head) necessary for providing adequate water flow to the top of my solar panels.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Build Your Own Pool

How I Build My Own Swimming Pool was created by a guy in Arizona that decided to save money by building his own pool. There appears to be some good information here. While I do not know that I would have come to all of the same conclusions that he did, he has done a good job of documenting his thought process.

Do not think this is a “how to” site for doing all of the work. It is intended for the owner/builder. There is a good section about “why to” or “why not” be an owner/builder, in general he does a good job of covering the basics; however, I disagree with his conclusion about getting subcontractors in the Sunbelt. It is my opinion that it is possible to get subcontractors willing to work for owner/builders when the construction market is slower (possibly now); however, during the construction craze of the last few years very few good subcontractors are willing to work for owner/builders so you will most likely be picking from the subcontractors that are on the B or C lists.

There is a “paid” section to this site that I have not visited but it appears to have more detailed information for those that are serious about being your own contractor. Let me know your thoughts if you have visited this area of the website.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Pool Talk

Pool Talk blog covers the sport of swimming as well as items regarding personal swimming pool ownership. This blog covers the gamut of pool and swimming thoughts (and some other stuff too). Pool Talk blog was started in October 2006 as their personal swimming pool was closed for the season and includes their search for a replacement diving board.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Pool & Spa Forum

Please see iVillage GardenWeb Censorship

iVillage GardenWeb has a Pool & Spa forum which is getting lots of traffic. This forum frequently discusses topics well beyond the standard pool maintenance or service questions that are typical on most of the other forums.

While I have found some interesting stuff here, I have not figured out how to get the topics to be sorted by subject, date, or any other convenient system. If anyone learns the trick, please provide it in the comment section here.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Paddock Pool Problem

Paddock Pools, Patios, and Spas has been around for over 40 years in Arizona and Nevada. With 10 large retail locations and a long history of pool construction they are probably the biggest guy on the block.

With many customers, it is not surprising they have some unhappy customers. I'm glad my pool experience continues to be better than the one this poor guy has documented in his website. He also provides links to other sites describing their problems with Paddock.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Swimming Pool

"Everything You Need to know to Design, Build and Landscape the Perfect Pool" looks to be a very high priced coffee table book with lots of pretty pictures and not likely to have any substance. However, it turns out that Tom Griffiths has put some substance along with photos into the book.

Many of the customer reviews on Amazon give this book poor marks because it is not a DIY book on how to construct a professional looking pool without any experienced contractors, which it is not. It does provide some good guidance for the homeowner looking to understand their pool/landscaping project and be able to talk intelligently to designers/contractors.

The copy I reviewed came from the Orange County Public Library, but it is not very expensive to pickup a "used" copy.

The only edition (ISBN 0671882929) was published in 1994, so some of the information is aged. I believe it is out of print.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Pool Guy

The Pool Guy says he has been in the swimming pool construction business since 1979 working primarily as a plaster subcontractor. He has some ineresting insight on his website in only six pages of information. He does not seem to be pushing any agenda, so it is well worth a look.

Pool Talk

Pool Talk is the bulletin board for, an on-line pool supply store. This bulletin board has only a few categories but seems to be getting daily activity. Also, they have recently added Live Chat including technical help.

You will find, as I have, that many of the same people show up on all of the bulletin boards. has other information geared for the pool owner, so it is not a bad place to check when you are looking for information.

I have never purchased anything from these guys, so I cannot comment on their store, service, etc.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pool & Spa Forum

Pool & Spa Forum was upgraded in September 2005. It is run by the editor of Poolsearch and Spasearch magazines, which seem to be focused on connecting prospective pool/spa owners with contractors/suppliers.

While there is lots of web (e.g., Google) advertising on this forum, there is some good information here with some current activity. But, stay away from the blogs since there is a lot of porn "trackbacks."

I have not explored the magazine websites much yet, so I cannot say how valuable they are. There is lots of web advertising here too. Some of the financing must be coming from hits and viewing traffic.



More will follow at a later date.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Construction (Part 1)

The contract was signed in early February 2007. Shortly there after the design was finalized and construction documents were submitted to the local building department for review and comment. In about two to three weeks the building permit was ready but the rains in Southern California prevented start of construction.
Ground was broken in late March 2007. It took less than two days to dig and form the hole for our 18 by 44 pool. While much of the work was done with a Bobcat, it was impressive to see the skill shown by about half a dozen hand diggers.
In less than a week we had a hole, some plumbing, and most of the reinforcing steel installed.
It took some time to finalize the reinforcing steel, complete the plumbing and electrical rough in.
In mid April 2007 gunnite was placed and for the first time it really looked like it was going to be a pool.

Pool Removal

I just found this great website about a family in Pennsylvania that removed their swimming pool (I think during 2006). There are some great photos to go along with the story about the process. Others have begun to sent him their information too, so the website is growing.

There are some great photos of a gunnite/concrete pool that has floated up out of the ground. He does not have all of the details but is shows the power of hydrostatic pressure. Please let me know if you have (or there are other websites with) photos and stories about floating pools.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Swimming Pool Help

Swimming Pool Help was created in January 2005 by the US distributor of a "mineral sanitizer." There is some good information here as this forum gains popularity.

The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP)

The APSP is a national trade organization. There is some consumer information available on this website. However, they have three other sites that are owner orientated:

Pool People USA is intended for the pool owner.

Hot Tub Living is intended tor the spa and hot tub owner.

Splash Zone USA is designed for elementary school age kids. The FLASH site works better than the HTML site.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Independent Pool and Spa Service Association (IPSSA)

IPSSA is a trade organization for the pool service professional. Only a little of the information is intended for the pool owner.

AQUA Magazine

AQUA magazine is intended for the pool and spa professional. It is directed more towards construction and/or major remodel professionals.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

California Spa and Pool Industry Education Council (SPEC)

SPEC says it is a "statewide (California) umbrella non-profit trade association." You have to dig for the pool owner tips (scroll to the bottom of the page).

"Adult Supervision is not an Option!" is SPEC's motto leading to their theme of a common sense approach to pool safety.

Pool & Spa News Forum

Pool & Spa News is a trade publication intended for the pool professional. The Forum is not heavily used but contains some items and insight for the pool owner.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

What Color Is Your Swimming Pool?

"A Homeowner's Guide to Trouble-Free Pool, Spa, and Hot Tub Maintenance" What a mouth full. I do not believe this book lives up to its title. It deals with many of the primary issues with owning a pool but not in depth.

I recommend checking it out at your local library before buying this book. If you are building a pool book library, it is worth owning for $15 to $20. If not, I would spend a few extra bucks for "The Ultimate Pool Maintenance Manual."

The third edition (ISBN 1580173098) was published in 2003, so it is just beginning to show its age.

The second edition (ISBN 1580170366) was published in 1998.

The Ultimate Pool Maintenance Manual

As the title says, this is a very complete book. This is the best reference book I have found. While it can be very technical, it is easy to skip to the problem/task at hand by using the Contents, Index, and/or Glossary. Using the book just once can easily recoup your $20 to $30 investment, but it is also available at many public libraries.

The second edition (ISBN 0071362398) was published in 2001, so some of the information is beginning to show its age. This edition maybe more relevant if your pool was constructed in the late 1980's or 1990's.

It is my understanding the third edition (ISBN 0071470174) is expected to be published during early 2007. This edition should be of more value for owners of pools built in the early 2000's.

The first edition (ISBN ???) was published in 1996.

The original book was called "The Professional Pool Maintenance Manual " (ISBN 0070614075) and was published in 1995.

The Pool Forum

The Pool Forum has been around for some time now but is no longer available to new users. If you have a question, this is one good place to check for the answer.

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