Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Pool Talk

Pool Talk is the bulletin board for Poolcenter.com, an on-line pool supply store. This bulletin board has only a few categories but seems to be getting daily activity. Also, they have recently added Live Chat including technical help.

You will find, as I have, that many of the same people show up on all of the bulletin boards.

Poolcenter.com has other information geared for the pool owner, so it is not a bad place to check when you are looking for information.

I have never purchased anything from these guys, so I cannot comment on their store, service, etc.


Diary of A Doorman said...

Poolcenter is the best, Ever since we had our pool built, we have used them a lot. Between the bulliten board, and their tech support dept, we were able to fire out pool guy!!

POOLCENTER.com said...

POOLCENTER.com now has a great new Pool Community http://community.poolcenter.com/ section off their newly developed homepage www.poolcenter.com - a great place to communicate and educate with fellow residential pool owners. Check it out!

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